SEO Audit with not8
Suggest SEO improvements by adding sticky notes right on the website, and share them with your team and clients in one click
Point & Click SEO Feedback Tool
No more scattered feedback across spreadsheets, emails and chats. With not8 online annotation tool, any website becomes a collaborative space for real-time SEO feedback. Teams and clients can discuss everything from keyword placements to meta descriptions, all without juggling multiple tools.
Annotate a webpage - attach comments to any specific phrase, word or even symbol
Integrate not8 with 5000+ tools
See all your projects in the Central Hub
SEO Feedback Tool
Swift SEO Feedback
Save 3+ hours/week on SEO audits with not8 - suggest keywords and alt tags, comment on the content structure and hierarchy - all within the website under review. Notify your team or clients by tagging them, sending a direct link or turning the comments into tickets in your task manager

Precise SEO annotations

Highlight specific sections, text, or elements on any website or web app for SEO considerations. Add clarifying remarks and provide a general project overview using video notes

Website Annotation Tool

What People Say About Us

Not8 is an easy-to-navigate website annotation tool with an excellent user interface. It allows our multiple team members to review and comment on live web pages and we use it for conducting SEO audits. Team members identify on-page SEO issues, suggest improvements, and discuss optimization strategies within the tool.
Komal Verma
SEO Specialist at Stallion Infosys Pvt Ltd.
As an early-stage startup we need to make rapid product changes every single day. Not8 has been a game changer for us in our testing and iteration speed. Compared to manually creating jira tickets, adding screenshots, updating information, etc, Not8 has literally saved us hours of work every day in testing and reporting issues rapidly. I would highly recommend Not8 to any early stage product that needs to iterate quickly.
Satwik G.
Co-Founder & CEO of Uptiq
not8 has been a game changer for our digital agency. Before, we were
constantly switching between different communication tools and it was a huge time drain. Now, with not8, all of our conversations are streamlined and in one place. It's helped us save countless hours and increase employee productivity by at least 15%. I highly recommend it to any digital agency or IT company looking to improve their communication and collaboration.
Hamza Haj Taieb
Head of Design Department at Dar
As an agency, we started using not8 from their conception. As we design and
build website for a variety of brands in various industries, to have simple to use tool like not8 has been incredibly useful. It makes communicating internally and with our clients incredibly simple. not8 are also brilliantly responsive to our feature requests helping us have smoother development processes.
Jacob Dilley
Founder of Lobo Creative UI/UX Agency
I would highly recommend not8 to any development team looking to streamline their design review process!
I’ve been using not8 a few months now and it has made a huge difference in how our development team works with the design team. The web integtation is smoth and allows us to easily review and provide feedback on designs.
Jules Varnier
UX lead at ZetaDisplay
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$20 / month
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We set up Zapier integration for our paying customers for free.
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Unlimited notes
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Real-time collaboration mode
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2FA (SMS, Auth Apps)
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