Online Bug Reporting
Highlight bugs with text and video notes right inside the web project, and send them directly to JIRA, ClickUp, Slack and thousands of other tools
Point & Click Bug Report Tool
Turn any website into your QA workspace - no more jumping between JIRA, Slack, Loom, and screenshot tools anymore. With not8 website bug reporting tool users can pinpoint and discuss issues right on the website and create tickets for developers in one click without leaving the webpage
Text and video notes on live websites
Browser version, screen size, and device type captured automatically
Integrations with 5000+ tools
Bug Reporting Tool
Faster Bug Reporting
Save 3+ hours / week per QA on online bug tracking with not8. To create a note simply activate not8 browser extension and click on a broken link, a misaligned element or any other issue. Notify your developers by tagging them, sending a direct link or turning the note into a ticket in your task manager

Clear Bug Descriptions

No more vague bug reports - pinpoint specific issues inside any website or web app and offer additional context by adding a video comment. Screenshot and technical details such as browser version, device type and screen size are captured automatically

Website Issue Tracker

What People Say About Us

Before using not8, our team was sometimes overwhelmed with Slack messages or emails of screenshots and notes. Now all notes are in one place on the reviewed site and are very easy to share with the rest of the team. The notes are placed precisely where the feedback is relevant.
Overall, not8 helped us to save a lot of time with the launch of our new website!
Vienne Kuperus
Product Owner at StudyWorks
Not8 was super useful to help us in the early stages of developing our web app, as I could insert tags and notes for my developers to review and make edits. No more having to take screenshots and duplicate on Trello… it helped expedite our workflows a fair bit.
General Manager (North America) at edm8ker
not8 has been a game changer for our digital agency. Before, we were
constantly switching between different communication tools and it was a huge time drain. Now, with not8, all of our conversations are streamlined and in one place. It's helped us save countless hours and increase employee productivity by at least 15%. I highly recommend it to any digital agency or IT company looking to improve their communication and collaboration.
Hamza Haj Taieb
Head of Design Department at Dar
As an agency, we started using not8 from their conception. As we design and
build website for a variety of brands in various industries, to have simple to use tool like not8 has been incredibly useful. It makes communicating internally and with our clients incredibly simple. not8 are also brilliantly responsive to our feature requests helping us have smoother development processes.
Jacob Dilley
Founder of Lobo Creative UI/UX Agency
I would highly recommend not8 to any development team looking to streamline their design review process!
I’ve been using not8 a few months now and it has made a huge difference in how our development team works with the design team. The web integtation is smoth and allows us to easily review and provide feedback on designs.
Jules Varnier
UX lead at ZetaDisplay
Unlimited users
Get started
20 notes
Public workspaces
Real-time collaboration mode
$20 / month
per user
Unlimited notes
Public and private workspaces
Real-time collaboration mode
Unlimited integrations
Limited Offer!
We set up Zapier integration for our paying customers for free.
Unlimited users
Unlimited notes
Public and private workspaces
Real-time collaboration mode
Unlimited integrations
2FA (SMS, Auth Apps)
Custom features